Note: We are not associated with any other business using “Barketing” in their name other than Barketing Solutions and Barketing Websites.

How to Embed Instagram Posts into Your Website

Instagram now lets you embed posts directly to your pet business website and other sites. Use this feature to show off fun and inviting images of your brand or exciting videos of your services and staff in action. Share pet photos from your customers who post on Instagram by embedding their entire post to your web page. Make sure you tell them you’re showcasing their image, get their permission to use it, and to make them feel appreciated. Embedding Instagram posts is an excellent way to showcase your happy customer’s pets after they have received your service plus it can be a link to a genuine testimonial.

How to Embed Instagram Posts

Navigate to your Instagram profile, or your customers, from a browser instead of using the mobile app. Click on the image that you would like to embed and then click on the three little dots in the bottom right corner of the pop-up. Below we added an example on how to embed the Instagram post.

Next, you will need to copy the code for the post you would like to display on your website by clicking ‘Embed’ and then clicking on ‘Copy Embed Code.’ Now you will need to paste this code into the page’s HTML or by asking your web developer. (If you do have any questions you can ask us as well!)

Not only is embedding Instagram posts to your website an excellent way to improve your social proof but is also a way to promote your Instagram page on your site to increase reach and engagement. Embed your Instagram posts into blog articles to drive new followers to your Instagram account.


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