This agreement is designed with you in mind, as well as to protect Barketing Solutions and our customers.

Commissions and payouts For Chosen Payment Referral

You’ll earn a sweet $50USD commission when a customer signups with a new Chosen Payments account through the Barketing Solutions partnership using your referral link. 

You must have an account with Chosen Payments to earn a referral. Affiliate commissions are paid in USD and are paid to your from Chosen Payments directly. When you refer a client to Chosen Payments, your name will be forwarded to Chosen Payments and once the customer signs up and begins processing with Chosen Payments, they will send you the commission only after the referral customer has been processing for over 30 days.

We do not allow referrals to be generated on your own purchases. We do not offer recurring referrals.



We reserve the right to reject affiliate commissions for any reason. Commission rejections may occur for the following reasons:

  1. The sale that the referral was based on was refunded or cancelled
  2. The method by which the referral was generated was in violation of our promotional policies or violated the spirit of the Affiliate Agreement.
Cool ways to promote

We want you to help fellow pet sitters save money on payment processing fees! We believe in the savings and want to get the word out!

Here are a few examples of awesome promotional methods to earn more commission:

  • Tell fellow pet sitters, customers or friends about the Chosen Payments and Barketing Partnership, and give them your affiliate referral link
  • Write a review or a blog post about how this partnership has helped you and link to our site with your referral link
  • Reach out to a broad audience with your social network accounts. Tweet about us on Twitter with your affiliate referral link, post about us on Facebook with your affiliate link, or communicate to your Linkedin followers about affiliate marketing with your affiliate link. Spam-free promotion is a great way to get more referrals!
  • Provide value to others by answering related questions on other sites or Facebook Groups with helpful responses, and using your referral link in your replies.
Prohibited and not cool promotional methods

The prohibited promotional methods listed below aren’t meant to scare you off – they’re here to protect you, and us, and our customers from any freaky or fraudulent activity, which is something we take pretty seriously. We know you’ll understand. 🙂 But here they are in writing just in case you’re not totally sure what is and what isn’t allowed.

  • Don’t promote on coupon sites
  • Paid advertising using your affiliate link is prohibited
  • Any type of spam is prohibited
  • Any illegal activity or activity deemed offensive by us is prohibited
  • Don’t clain to be professionally associated with Barketing Solutions as you aren’t an employee
  • Pretending to actually be Barketing is prohibited
  • Again, false promotion to customers

If you’re unsure or concerned that some activity you’re about to proceed with may be considered prohibited, please ask us. 🙂


If your promotional methods step outside of these terms, your referrals may be rejected and we may disable your affiliate account. We reserve the right to do this and may or may not notify you in the instance that this occurs. Please use allowed promotional methods, and help us to help you succeed as an affiliate!

Inappropriate websites

The following types of sites are not permitted to become an affiliate: adult sites, sites that display adult material or banners, sites that promote violence, hatred or bigotry, sites that promote or engage in illegal activity, including (but not limited to), hacking, cracking, nulled, and warez sites. Affiliate applications for inappropriate websites will be rejected, and we reserve the right to choose whether or not to provide a rejection reason.


By accepting these terms and conditions you are providing your nonlegal agreement to abide by them. By registering and being approved as an affiliate in our affiliate program you agree that your commissions are subject to approval before they are accepted and subsequently paid by Chosen Payments.

The affiliate relationship does not represent a professional or formal agreement, and as an affiliate you are not an employee of Barketing Solutions Inc.  You agree that this is not a legally binding relationship and as a result may not take legal action against Barketing Solutions Inc.. These affiliate terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.