5 Tips on Using Empathy to Improve your Website Content

It only takes 50 milliseconds to make a first impression on a website. The minute your website content looks untrustworthy, you’re going to send your visitors running back the other way. Making visitors feel confident in the content they’re reading will give you more website hits, as well as turn those prospects into paying customers! One way to instill that confidence is by using empathy to improve your website content. 

The basic definition of empathy is understanding someone else’s emotions. Being empathetic is otherwise known as putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. With regards to website content, you need to have a good understanding of what your visitor thinks about your service, and how they may feel about it.

For example, let’s say you have a potential prospect named Sarah, and she owns a beautiful Chocolate Labrador named Chase. Sarah is a busy businesswoman, taking care of her household and three kids. Sometimes finding the time to take Chase out for a walk can be challenging. We treat our pets like our children. We want the best for them, and we want to ensure that we can provide for them in all aspects! 

Now, that’s where you come in! You’re an aspiring dog walker, and you want to convince Sarah that she needs your services. How can we do this? Well, keep reading for the five tips on how to use empathy to improve your website content:



The first thing you want to ensure is that you’ve established your target audience. The goal is to reach your desired audience and turn them into paying customers. You can do this by creating a persona like Sarah. If you’re marketing towards someone like Sarah, having trigger words such as “saving time” or “let me help you” might catch Sarah’s attention. It’s essential to focus on the message you’re trying to convey. Your content should “speak to” or allow someone to relate to the positive outcome of your service. 



Listening to your customers is super important! You need to understand how customers are interacting with your website and what services they might want. They are (in a way) communicating with you when they are clicking around on your website. If they’re all clicking on the same things, or having the same questions, a section like an FAQ might be helpful. Don’t you like to find quick answers to your questions? I know I do. 



Like our busy businesswoman Sarah, she may not have time on her side. Remember, she’s taking care of 3 kids, while running a business and a household. Things can get pretty hectic! With all that going on, she may not have a lot of time to take Chase out. That’s where you come in! If you can tell Sarah on your website, how you’re going to solve her problem, she may be more than likely to email you for a consultation, rather than asking you questions about how your services may be right for her! Highlight key points on how you will give Sarah peace of mind knowing that her pup will be in good hands while she tends to her other affairs. 



For some people, dogs are their pride and joy, and leaving them with a stranger isn’t always easy. It’s crucial to build that trusting relationship with your prospects, starting with your website content! One way that you can convince someone to buy something is by telling them what other people think about it! Having testimonials from your happy clients can instill positive feelings about your business into potential prospects. When your potential clients see that your current clients had their dogs needs taken care of, they may start to picture that for themselves and their dogs too. 



At this point, Sarah’s interest in your website has peaked. A lot of her burning questions/concerns have been addressed, and it’s time to hit the home run! Provide some information on your website about how you will be able to make her, and her dog happy clients! The primary outcome that you want to sell is the potential for clients to have happy dogs after they’ve come from a walk with you. The more people can relate to the outcome, the more likely they are to be interested in your services! 

Looking for help with your website content? Kelsey would love to help you out! Email bark@barketing.co for a quote!


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